Worship of Lord Shiva by Ramesh Mukhopadhyaya | ![]() | ![]() ![]() | |
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Oh Lord Come to us and stay here patiently
Be near us as long as we worship thee
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
We offer you this seat made of gold and decked with diadems
Please take your seat which is studded with various gems
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
I offer you the waters of the Ganges which is clean and stainless
And which is associated with a plethora of perfumes
To wash your lotus feet Please accept. our offerings
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We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Oh Lord Shambhu! Here is a bouquet held in a vase of conchlet
Where fragrant flowers and sandalwood and unboiled rice are waiting
to be hallowed by your gentle touch. Please accept it and be pleased
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Oh Lord of lords! Here is water perfumed with camphor
Water tasty and cool to wash your fair hands and face
Please accept it with grace
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
The fair sparkling waters of Mandaakini which dispels all depravity
And which caters bliss are being given to thee
Please take your bath in this water
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
We offer you milk gifted by the divine cow
which grants the wishes of the devotees
which is the life of life and which showers blessings here and now
which is offered in sacrifices. Please bathe in that ambrosia
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Sweet and sour likening the moon beam this yoghurt
Has sprung from the sea of milk. Please accept it
For your bath
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Presently derived from the cream of the milk
This ghee do we offer which delights everyone
For you to bathe .
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Born of the flowers, very tasty and sweet
This honey do we offer which greets with prowess and health
You bathe with that
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Leaping forth from the essence of sugar cane
the sugar gives us well-being and health
It cleanses the body. It is divine
Have this for your bathing
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
I have brought the five nectars in milk
Yoghurt ghee honey and sugar
Take the water mingled with them together
And bathe
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Gathered from the Malaya mountains this perfumed water
Is mingled with the fragrance of sandalwood and the red ochre
of kumkum with which you could bathe. Please accept this
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
The water that is pure and divine
that likens the water from the Ganges
I offer thee with all my ardour
For bathing with clean water
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Please accept these clothes
That protect one from cold and heat
That protect one from wind and woes
And deck ones body
And bestow peace up on us
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
We offer you this sacred thread
Forged with fresh fibres
Which is associated with
All the divinities and the three gunas
Please take it
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Sandalwood is precious to the goddess
Of Wealth and Beauty
Its fragrance is pleasant
It is a pleasing ointment and skincare
Oh God of gods ! please accept this
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
We offer you unboiled rice
Decked with the crimson of kumkum
Please accept and bless us
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
We have culled flowers such as Maalati
And woven garlands for you with piety
Please accept them Oh God of gods
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
The vilvapatra twig has three leaves
They stand for the three gunas
They are the three eyes of thee Oh Siva
They destroy the sins of three lifetimes
We offer it to thee Oh Lord Siva
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
We have brought the seedlings of fresh and green durbaa grass
For worshipping thee
They shower well being and long life upon
Oh Lord Please accept them
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Take these apparels and ornaments
That are studded with rubies and pearls
And decked with cats eyes and emeralds
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
These many perfumes charged with heavenly fragrance
We give thee with love and reverence
Please accept them
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Please take these incenses
The fragrance of which
are for gods to revel in
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
I light the lamp laden with ghee and filament
It dispels the darkness of the three worlds
Please accept it
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Please accept the offering of the food
That consists of sweetmeat curds condensed milk
Butter and other delicacies
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
I give you water to wash your mouth and face
Please accept it.
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our holy Mother
This fruit Oh God I place before you
May I be crowned with success in the lives to come
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
I offer you betel leaf prepared with numerous spices
I pray accept this
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
May this golden seed of Sun terminalia chebula
Which lies in the womb of the goden void
Which gives us boundless blessings
Grant us peace
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Camphor has been lit
With that we show you light
And illuminate your graceful appearance
Look at me and grant me boons
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
I circumambulate you
And may every step of mine annihilate
Whatever sins I have committed
In the myriads of my earlier births
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Kindly accept this offering of flowers of the hymns
Soaked and saturated with heart felt love and devotion
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
You are the cause of that which holds the world
I worship you for the well lbeing of
I prostrate before you with all my heart
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
Neither do I know the prayers
Nor do I know the rites and rituals
Nor do I have the unwavering devo
May you Oh God fill up the gaps in my worshipping thee
We prostrate before Lord Siva who is accompanied with our Holy Mother
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