Monday, 2 November 2015

vietnamese proverbs collected and explained by Pham Van Binh

ít ăn ít mặc, ít lo ít làm
(He who eats and wears little thinks and works little, too)
  Little consumption may lead to little doing
  One may work less when he lessens his needs

ít bột không nặn nhiều bánh
(He who has little flour can’t make a lot of bread)
To get much benefit, one must invest much money and wisdom in his business

ít chắt chiu hơn nhiều phung phí
(Little thrift is still better than much prodigality)
One should live a thrifty life

ít ngài, dài đũa
(Less gentlemen, farther the chopsticks reach)
Less the partakers, greater the shares

ít thầy, đầy đẫy
(Less the  magicians, fuller the bags)
As : ít ngài, dài đũa
ít, xít ra nhiều
(As: Có ít, xít ra nhiều)

- K -

Kẻ ăn không hết, người lần không ra
(This man has too much to eat but that man finds no small piece)
Some people are too rich whereas some people are too poor

Kẻ ăn ốc, người đổ vỏ
(This man eats snails and that man throws their shells away)
One may take the responsibility of the work which has been done by others

Kẻ ăn rươi, người chịu bão
(This man eats sea-slugs but that man suffers from the storm)
As : Kẻ ăn ốc, người đổ vỏ

Kẻ cắp gặp phải bà già
(A thief encounters an old lady)
As: Bọ nẹt có giẻ cùi 

Kẻ cắp lại chê vải hẹp khổ
(The thief finds fault with the cloth of short width)
One is blamable to find fault with what he squeezes from others

Kẻ cắp ở lẫn với người
(Thieves live among honest people)
There often live the dishonest among the honest
Cp: There is a snake in the grass

Kẻ có nhân mười phần chẳng khó
(He who is kind-hearted finds no difficulties at all)
  Kind-hearted people can overcome any difficulties to help others
 Kind-hearted people often get others’ help when in needs

Kẻ có tiền chẳng mạnh thì bạo
(The rich are always strong and brave)
Wealth can bring to a man self-confidence

Kẻ có tình thì rình trong bụi
(He who falls in love with her watches for her in a bush)
One pays much attention to whom or what he wishes for 

Kẻ đâm nào nỡ nặng chày
(The pounder never has the heart to pound hard at the mortal)
One always uses his own things with care

Kẻ đầy thưng khinh kẻ lưng bát
(Those who have a full bushel of rice look down upon these who have only a half bowl)
The rich often look down upon the poor

Kẻ khó được vàng, người sang cất lấy
(The poor man found gold, the rich man took it away)
The rich may enjoy what the poor get

Kẻ một quan khinh kẻ chín tiền
(A man who has one “quan” * looks down upon a man who 
has nine “tiens” *)
One may look down upon others when he is just a bit richer than them

Kẻ nói đơn, người nói kép
(This man says “single” but that man says “double”)
In a discussion, two sides may be opposite each other

Kẻ nâng bị, người cắt quai
(This man lifts the bag but that man cuts off  its grip)
To the same object, different people have different treatments

Kẻ tám lạng, người nửa cân
(This man weighs eight ounces and that man weighs half a pound)
In a competition, the two opponents may be at the same level of talent
Cp: It is six of one and half a dozen of the other

Kẻ trước bắc cầu cho kẻ sau noi
(The man in the lead builds a bridge for the man in the rear to cross the river)
Forerunners are often the people who make a foundation for others to go forward

Kẻ vo tròn, người bóp bẹp
(This man rolls it into a ball but that man presses it flat )
One may distroy others’ successes

Kèn xuôi, giăm ngược
(The trumpet is downward but the tubes are upward)
There may be no unity in a movement or activity

Kén quá hóa hỏng
(Much choosing brings about failure)
One shouldn’t try to make an absolutely perfect choice for everything

Kêu cho thấu, tấu cho đến
(Complain and claim up to the highest authority)
One should make a claim to the authority that has the right to solve his problem when he suffers from injustice

Khác lọ, cùng nước
(Different jars,  but the same water)
  A new form may still contain the old substance
  Different forms may have the same content

Khác máu, tanh lòng
(Different in bloods, stinking at heart )
Men of different bloods have no mercy on one another
Cp: You cannot get blood from stone

Khách ba, chúa nhà bảy
(The guest eats three but the host eats seven)
Under the title of treating guests, one may make feasts for himself

Khách đến nhà, chẳng gà thì vịt
(A chicken or a duck will be killed when a guest arrives)
One may spend a lot of money owing to a guest’s visit

Khẩu Phật, tâm xà
(He has Buddha’s words but a snake’s heart)
As : Cá vàng, bụng bọ

Khẩu thiệt vô bằng
(Spoken words leave no traces)
Spoken words are easily denied

Khéo ăn thì no, khéo co thì ấm
(Those who know how to use a blanket to cover will be warm)
The planning in consumption brings about no want
Cp: The busiest man finds the most leisure

Khéo con mắt, vụng hai bàn tay
(He who has artistic eyes has clumsy hands)
A good critic is often a bad workman

Khéo, để cái méo ra ngoài
(He who is known as a skilful workman puts all the deformed things outside)
Those who often boast that they are skilful workmen may show out their awkwardness

Khéo làm tôi vụng, vụng chẳng làm tôi ai
(The skilful work as servants for the awkward but the awkward work as servants for no one)
The skilful may have to work hard for the awkward

Khéo, vá may; vụng, chày cối
(The skilful will do the needle work while the clumsy will work with mortals and pestles)
Skilful workmen may do light work while clumsy ones may do heavy work

Khi giận, ai bẻ thước mà đo ?
(Who takes measure of his anger?)
Nobody can control his anger

Khi kiến ăn cá, khi cá ăn kiến
( Sometimes the ant eats  the  fish  and  sometimes the  fish 
eats the ant )
  None of the two sides in their fight are the defeater or the winer
  People may harm one another

Khi lành cho nhau ăn cháy, khi dữ mắng nhau cạy nồi
(When on good terms, they give one another burnt rice, when on bad terms they blame one another for their pot scraping)
One’s attitudes to others on good terms and on bad terms are quite different  

Khi lành không gặp khách, khi rách gặp lắm người quen
(When well-dressed he has no guests but when in rags he meets with a lot of friends)
It’s difficult for a man to hide his poverty

Khi lành quạt giấy cũng cho, khi dữ quạt mo cũng đòi
(When on good terms he offers his friend even a paper fan but when on bad terms he reclaims even a spathe one)
When on good terms one may be generous but when on bad terms one may be ungenerous

Khi lên, trời cũng chiều lòng
(When he is in fortune, God also favours him)
When lucky, one may get more good luck

Khi măng không uốn thì tre trổ vồng
(When bamboo shoot is not bent it will grow straight up)
People should be educated since their childhood otherwise they will become bad ones

Khi nắng còn có khi mưa
(It may rain though it is often sunny)
One should think of misfortune when he is being in fortune

Khi nên , trời cùng chiều lòng
(As : Khi lên, trời cùng chiều lòng)

Khi nóng thì bắt lấy tai, khi nguội lại chẳng biết tai là gì
(He who touches his ears when his fingers get hot forgets his ears when his fingers become cool)
When in fortune, one may forget his supporters in hard times

Khi thương nhau ngóng trông làu lạu, khi ghét nhau mặt cạu làm ngơ
(When on good terms they always long for one another but when on bad  terms  they  show  their  indifference  to  one 
another only)
As : Khi lành cho nhau ăn cháy, khi dữ mắng nhau cạy  nồi

Khi vui thì vỗ tay vào, đến khi hoạn nạn thì nào thấy ai
(He who in fortune has many applauders sees none of them when in misfortune )
People only follow the rich and powerful

Khỉ lại là khỉ, mèo vẫn hoàn mèo
(A monkey in disguise is still a monkey and a  cat in disguise is still a cat)
One can’t hide his true nature

Khinh khỉ, mắc độc già
(He who despises a monkey, meets with an old gorilla)
An unfortunate man can’t avoid misfortune
Cp: Out of the frying pan , into the fire

Khó chẳng tha, giàu ra có phận
(He who doesn’t forget a poor man’s mistake, flatters a rich man to get profit)
One may just take care of the rich, not the poor

Khó giúp nhau mới thảo, giàu trừ nợ không ơn
(Helping others when being poor is generous, cancelling receipts for loans when being rich is not worth thanking)
Poor people’s help is more highly valued than rich ones’

Khó giữ đầu, giàu giữ của
(The poor protect their heads whereas the rich keep their wealth)
The poor have nothing but their lives to worry about
Cp: The beggar may sing before the thief

Khó hèn thì chẳng ai nhìn, đến khi đỗ trạng chín nghìn anh em
(He who gets nobody’s look when in poverty has nine thousand brothers when becoming the first doctor in a royal exam)
As: Anh em gạo, đạo nghĩa tiền

Khó muốn giàu, đau muốn khỏi
(The poor want to be rich and the sick want to be recovered)
Everyone wants to get out of his misfortune

Khó người, khó ta
(It’s difficult to them, it will be difficult to us, too.)
   When one’s difficult to others, they’ll be difficult to him 
   What is difficult to this man will be difficult to that one 

Khó nhịn miệng, mồ côi nhịn lời
(The poor have to eat little and the orphan has to speak little )
   One has to behave according to his social position
  People of a lower class have few rights  

Khó nồi đồng, giàu nồi đất
(The poor use brass pots while the rich use earthern ones )
The rich may be more close-fisted than the poor 

Khó ở làng, sang thiên hạ
(He who is a humble man in his village is a noble man in others’ )
   One may be low-valued in his area or by his familiar people but highly-valued in others’ or by strangers 
   A poor or humble man in his area may pretend to be rich or noble in others’

Khó sạch, rách thơm
(Be clean-handed even in poverty and good- smelling even in rags )
As:  áo rách còn giữ lấy tràng

Khóa nào, chìa ấy
(Like the lock, like the key )
To work well, every detail in a mechanism must be of the same sort, or every member in an organization must be suitable for his position 

Khoang tốt, khoáy cũng tốt
(A spotted buffalo is good and a buffalo having a tuft of hair on its head is good, too )
One shouldn’t find fault with what he has got  

Khỏi họng ra bọng dơ
(Out of the throat, the food comes into the shit blader )
One shouldn’t pay more attention to material values than spiritual ones

Khỏi lỗ thì vỗ vế
(He tapped his thigh who hasn’t lost his capital )
One may even be glad when he just gains back his capital in his business 

Khỏi rên, quên thầy
(He who is recovered forgets the doctor )
As:  Ăn cá , bỏ lờ

Khỏi vòng, cong đuôi
(The dog raises its tail as soon as it has been out of the loop )
  One soon forgets his hard time 
  One is often thankless 
Cp: The old cow thinks she was never a calf 

Khổ đổ cho hàng vải 1
(He throws his poverty into a cloth shop 2)
One may blame others or circumstances for his own trouble 

Khổ tận, cam lai
(As the bitter is ended then comes the sweet )
As:  Bĩ cực, thái lai

Khôn ăn người, dại người ăn
(A wise man wins others and a fool is won by others )
In social competitions, only the wise can exist 

Khôn ba năm, dại một giờ
(She who is wise for three years is foolish for an hour) 
A decent girl may lose her way in love  

Khôn bây giờ, dại chốc nữa
(He who is wise now will be foolish in some minutes )
Nobody is wise all his life 

Khôn cậy, khéo nhờ
(I can be supported when you are wise and dexterous )
One can get a lot of help from a wise and dexterous person 

Khôn chẳng qua lẽ, khỏe chẳng qua lời
(Wisdom can’t surpass reason and strength can’t surpass words )
Reason is stronger than wisdom and force 

Khôn chết, dại chết, biết thì sống
(The wise die, the foolish die, too. Only the knowing can exist )
One should learn how to behave himself to exist in life 

Khôn đâu đến trẻ, khỏe đâu đến già
(Wisdom doesn’t come to the young  and  strength  doesn’t 
come to the old )
Never hope for wisdom from the young as well as strength from the old 
Cp: You must not expect old heads on young shoulders  

Khôn độc không bằng ngốc đàn
(Better foolish in all than wise in one )
As: Cả bè hơn cây mía

Khôn khéo - bánh giày, vụng dại - chày cối
(Those who are dexterous get rice pies, these who are clumsy do the rice pounding )
The wise can get profit while the foolish can get work only 

Khôn khi vô sự, thảo khi no lòng
(He is wise when in a calm situation and generous when his stomach is full)
One is often wise when he is an outsider and generous when he is rich 

Khôn làm cột cái, dại làm cột con
(The wise work as main columns and the foolish work as extra ones )
One should work according to his ability and talent 

Khôn làm lại, dại ở chùa
(Those who are wise work as petty officials, these who are foolish work as monks )
Petty officials get rich very quickly for they often take bribes 

Khôn làm văn tế, dại làm văn  bia
(Those who are wise make funeral orations, these who are foolish make tombstone inscriptions ) 
  One only knows what lasts long, not what lasts only a short time 
 Written proofs can’t be cancelled.

Khôn lắm, dại nhiều
(The more you are wise, the more you are foolish )
 Even a wise man may make mistakes 
 Those who think they are wise may be stupid

Khôn lấy của che thân, dại lấy thân che của
(The wise hide their lives with wealth but the stupid hide their wealth with their lives )
The stupid always think of wealth but the wise never 
Cp: Money is a good servant but a bad master 

Khôn lỏi sao bằng giỏi đàn
(Better good in all than wise in one )
Collective wisdom is better than private one 
Cp: Two heads are better than one 

Khôn nên quan, gan nên giàu
(Those who are wise will become mandarins and these who are daring will become rich )
Those who are wise and brave will reach their aim 
Cp: Fortune favours the brave 

Khôn ngoan chẳng lọ thật thà
(Better honest than sly )
Honesty is the best way of behaviour
Cp: Honesty is best policy 

Khôn ngoan đến cửa quan mới biết, giàu nghèo ba mươi tết mới hay
(A law-suit shows out the wiser and a new year festival shows out the richer)
One’s wisdom and wealth are known just in need  

Khôn ngoan hiện ra mặt, què quặt hiện ra chân tay
(His wisdom is shown on his face as his lameness is shown 
on his limbs )
One’s capacity can be judged by his appearance 
Cp: The face is index of the mind 

Khôn ngoan kiếm ăn người, mạt đời kiếm ăn quanh
(The wise earn their living in others’ areas while the stupid earn their living in their own areas only )
The wise can go far to earn their living while the stupid just earn their living in their own areas only  

Khôn ngoan  từ thuở lên ba, dại thì đến già vẫn dại
(A wise man has been wise since the age of three but a fool remains foolish even in his old age )
Talent reveals very early and ignorance is never altered 
Cp: Every man is a fool or a physician at forty 

Khôn nhà, dại chợ
(He who is wise at home is foolish in the market )
Those who prove to be wiser than their relatives often reveal their stupidity in public  

Khôn nhờ, dại chịu
(If you are wise I can be helped; if you are foolish, I have to stand)
One may get help or harm from one’s relative(s) or the person(s) one has chosen according to his < her / their> wit    

Khôn như tiên, không tiền cũng dại
(He who is as wise as a fairy is still foolish when having no money )
Without money, one may not be able to do anything  

Khôn ra miệng, dại ra tay
(Wisdom is shown out in the mouth, stupidity is shown out 
on the hand )
One can reveal his knowledge, wisdom and skill through his words and action   

Khôn sống , mống chết
(The foolish will die while the wise are still alive )
In the struggle for life, the wise - not the stupid - can exist 
Cp: Simpletons are always fleeced 

Khôn thế gian làm quan địa ngục
(He who is wise on earth will be a mandarin in hell )
The wise can have a high position anywhere 

Khôn thì khỏi, dại thì mắc
(The wise can escape while the foolish fall into the trap )
Only the wise may escape from bad luck 

Khôn thì ngoan, gian thì nồng
(The wise are well behaved but the cruel are truculent )
The good know how to behave themselves but the bad don’t 

Khôn từ trong trứng khôn ra, dại dẫu đến già cũng dại 
(A wise man has been wise since in the ovum, while a fool remains foolish even in his old age )
As:  Khôn ngoan từ thuở lên ba, dại thì đến già vẫn dại

Không ai duỗi tay thâu đêm đến sáng
(Nobody can stretch his arm overnight )
Nobody can have the same opinion all the time 

Không ai giàu ba họ, không ai khó ba đời
(Nobody is rich or poor through three generations )
 Nobody is rich or poor all his life 
 Everyone must have a happy time 
Cp: Every dog has its day 

Không ai nắm tay qua ngày đến tối
(Nobody can hold his fists all day long )
As: Không ai duỗi tay thâu đêm đến sáng

Không bóp cổ, chẳng lè lưỡi
(He will not stick out his tongue until his neck is squeezed)
As: Chẹt họng mới há miệng

Không bột sao  gột nên hồ ?
(Who can make glue without flour ?)
As: Có bột mới gột nên hồ

Không có cá, lấy cua làm trọng
(He who catches no fish, thinks the crab is the best  dish )
One should be pleased with what he has
Cp: If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have 

Không có cá, lấy rau má làm ngon
(He who catches no fish thinks pennyworth is the best dish)
As: Không  có cá, lấy cua làm trọng

Không có cái dại nào giống cái dại nào
( Stupidities are not alike )
Nobody can avoid making foolish deeds 

Không có chó, bắt mèo ăn cứt  (tục)
 (He who has no dogs forces the cat to eat the shit ) (vulg)
One sometimes has to use improper instruments and men in need 

Không có lửa, làm sao có khói ?
(Where does the smoke come from if there is no fire ?)
Everything happens owing to a certain reason 
Cp: There is no smoke without fire 

Không có mây, sao có mưa ?
(Where does the rain come from if there are no clouds ? )
As: Không có lửa, làm sao có khói ?

Không có quân tử thì ai khiến tiểu nhân ?
(Who commands small men if there are no gentlemen?)
It’s unavoidable for the good to live together with the bad in society 

Không có tinh lại có tướng
(He who has no spirit but has an appearance )
A man of no talent may have an arrogant look 

Không có  trâu, bắt bò đi đầm
(He who has no buffaloes forces oxen to trample the field)
As:  Không có chó, bắt mèo ăn cứt

Không có trời ai ở được với ai ?
(Who can live with others without Heaven ? )
There is always justice in life  

Không  có voi, lấy bò làm lớn
(He who hasn’t got elephants uses cows instead )
As:  Không có chó, bắt mèo ăn cứt

Không đẻ không thương, không máu không  xót
( No   pregnancy,   no   mercy;   bloods   different    breed 
As: Khác máu, tanh lòng

Không được ăn thì đạp đổ
(He kicks down what he is not able to eat )
One may disturb a business from which he gets no shares 
Cp: The grapes are sour, as the fox said when he could not reach them  

Không gấp đi đâu tối, không vội đi đâu đêm
(Don’t go out at night when there is nothing urgent )
It’s very dangerous to go out at night 

Không lấy cũng khuấy cho hôi
(He stains it who can’t get it )
As: Không được ăn thì đạp đổ

Không nên không phải, đóng cửa bảo nhau
(Shut your door to settle your discord )
As: Đừng nên vạch  áo cho người xem lưng

Không thành công cũng thành nhân  
(He makes the cause though he’s failed to get the success)
Though a hero’s cause is failed, it can wake up others’ spirit 
Cp: No great loss but some small profit 

Không thiêng  cũng thể bụt nhà
(He is still your own Buddha though he’s not sacred )
One should respect his superior though he is of no great talent 

Không tiền không gạo, mạnh  bạo gì thầy
( He  who  has  neither  money nor rice is no longer strong 
and brave )
As: Kẻ có tiền không mạnh thì bạo

Không tiền ngồi gốc cây bàng / đa
(He who is moneyless sits at the bottom of a shade tree / a 
pagoda tree)
Poor people can’t join any social activities and can't have anything in their hands 

Không tiền, nói chẳng ra khôn
(He can’t speak wisely who has no money )
A poor man’s words are of no value 

Không ưa, đổ thừa cho xấu
(He who hates her says she is ugly ) 
As: Bới bèo ra bọ

Không ưa thì dưa có giòi
(He who hates her sees worms in her pickles )
As: Bới bèo ra bọ

Không voi,  bò làm lớn
(Where there are no elephants, a bull is king )
As:  Bó đũa, chọn cột cờ

Không xanh cũng tựa màu chàm
(He who says he hasn’t turned pale but his face is as white as a sheet of paper)
A frightened man can’t hide his fright  

Không vào hang  cọp sao bắt được cọp con
(He who dare not enter a tiger’s den will not catch its cubs)
No daring, no gaining 
Cp: Nothing venture, nothing have 

Khu nào, quan lang ấy
(Every mountain district has its own hereditary mandarin)
As:  Giang sơn nào, anh hùng nấy

Khuất mắt khôn coi
(Nobody sees a hidden thing )
Nobody can know about the quality as well as the cleanliness of a hiddenly-made dish or drink   

Khuất mặt , khuất lời
(No seeing, no talking )
Distance may wash away one’s love 
Cp: Out of sight, out of mind  

Khúc sông khi lở khi bồi
(A riverside sometimes banks up and sometimes caves in )
Things always change

Ki cóp cho cọp nó tha
(He spares penny by penny and the tiger takes away all his money )
One’s property that he’s saved for a long time may be all taken away by another 

Kì mục kì nát
(Village notables are rotten* )
Influential men often exploit common people and do wrong

Kiếm củi ba năm thiêu một giờ
(He burnt up all the firewood he had gathered for three years just in an hour )
One can destroy very quickly what he’s  built  up  for  a 
long time

Kiếm được một, muốn ăn mười
(He who earns one wants to eat ten )
One’s greed is bottomless 

Kiến leo cột sắt bao mòn
(An ant’s climbing can’t wear away an iron column )
A talentless man can’t fight against a stronger rival 

Kiến tha lâu cũng đầy tổ
(The ant’s constant food carrying fills their hill )
As: Già mót, ngọt canh

Kiêng ăn nhằm ngày hết gạo
(He looks for a day his rice is no more to diet himself )
A close-fisted man always thinks out the way of cutting his expenses 

Kiêng cái, ăn nước
(He who abstains from the meat takes its broth )
It’s just the same not to use something in this way but use it in that way 

Kim chỉ có đầu
(The needle as well as the thread has its head )
There should be an order in human society 

Kim ngân phá lề luật
(Gold and silver break the law )
Law can be destroyed by money  

Kín tranh hơn lành gỗ
(A partition wall full of pictures is better than a plain wooden one )
A thing’s beautiful form may sometimes be more important than its substance  

Kính chẳng bõ phiền
(Respect is not worth trouble )
One shouldn’t express his respect to someone by doing troublesome activities to him   

Kính lão đắc thọ
(He who respects the old will live long )
One should respect the old 

Kíp miệng, chầy chân
(He who is quick by mouth is slow by leg )
As :  Ăn như rồng cuốn, nói như rồng leo, làm như mèo mửa

- L -

Lá lành đùm lá rách
(The untorn leaf should cover the torn one )
As: Chị ngã, em nâng

Lá rụng về cội
(The leaves fall down to the bottom of  its tree )
As: Cáo chết ba năm còn quay đầu về núi

Lại mặt to hơn cưới
(The groom’s visit to the bride family after the wedding day is more solemn than his wedding )
It’s blamable to make an addition greater than the main thing

Làm anh làm ả phải ngả mặt lên
(When you are an elder brother or an elder sister you should turn up your face )
The superior should have an honourable behaviour

Làm bạn với đò giang mất cả quang lẫn gánh
(Those who make friends with boats and rivers will lose all their carrying poles and loads )
Trading by water way is very risky 

Làm biếng lấy miệng mà đưa
(A lazy man often uses his mouth)
A lazy man often finds reasons to hide his laziness 
Cp: Idle folks lack no excuses  

Làm chú khi nay, làm thày khi khác .
(Servant today, master tomorrow) 
One is not in a low position all his life 
Cp: What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts  

Làm có chúa, múa có trống
(He who works under the lord’s command dances with the drumbeats )
Everything should be done with management

Làm cỗ không lo mất phần 
(A cook is never worried about his share )
As: Gái có công, chồng chẳng phụ

Làm đĩ chín phương, để một phương lấy chồng 
(You should prostitute yourself in nine directions only to spare one for your marriage)
One should limit his wrong deeds for his future 
Cp: Don’t venture all in one bottom 

Làm đĩ có tàn có tán, có hương  án thờ vua
(She who is a prostitute has a parasol, a sunshade and an altar to workship the King)
A prostitute may get a high position in society

Làm đĩ có văn tế nôm 
(She who has been a prostitute enjoys a funeral oration written in demotic script )
As:  Làm đĩ có tàn có tán, có hương án thờ vua

Làm đĩ gặp năm mất mùa 
(She who works as a prostitute  comes  across the  year  of 
famine )
 One may earn no living even in a humble job 
 An unfortunate man can’t avoid misfortune

Làm giàu có số, ăn cỗ có phần
(His richness is written in the fate, her seat in the feast is written in the list )
As:  Chạy trời không khỏi nắng

Làm kẻ cả phải ngả mặt lên
(When you are a superior, you should turn up your face )
As:  Làm anh làm ả phải ngả mặt lên 

Làm khách, sạch ruột 
(He who stands on ceremony gets hungry )
One shouldn’t stand on ceremony in social relation 

Làm kiếp trâu ăn cỏ, làm kiếp chó ăn dơ 
(The buffalo grazes grass while the dog eats shit )
People of different classes live different lives 

Làm lớn thì làm láo 
(He who gets to a high position will do wrong )
Men of high positions often do wrong 

Làm nên, một mình một cỗ 
(He who achieves successes will have the whole tray of dishes for himself )
Men of high positions live a happy life 

Làm ơn, được nên ơn 
(He who does others a favour will get a favour from others)
A good deed will never be forgotten 

Làm ơn nên oán 
(He who does a man a favour gets his hatred )
As: Đẽo đòn gánh, đòn gánh đè vai 

Làm phúc, không cầu được phúc 
(He who gives others alms doesn’t hope to be given alms )
A gentleman never thinks of gains when helping others 

Làm phúc nơi nao, cầu ao chẳng bắc 
(Where do you give alms while the washing platform of your pond has not been made ?)
Generosity should begin at home 
Cp: Charity begins at home 

Làm phúc phải tội 
(He who gives other favour takes to himself trouble )
One may get trouble when helping others 

Làm phúc quá tay, ăn mày không kịp 
(Giving too many alms soon makes a man a beggar)
One’s generosity should be according to his property 
Cp: Be just before you are generous   

Làm quan có dạng, làm dáng có hình
(He who is a mandarin has a commanding look, she who is a dresser has a nice body )
Not all people can make themselves more impressive with adornment 

Làm quan hay quân, làm chồng hay vợ
(A general knows his troops and a husband knows his wife)
 A chief must know his men thoroughly 
 In his leadership (or husbandship) one will learn his men (or wife) carefully     

Làm rể chớ xáo thịt trâu, làm dâu chớ đồ xôi lại
(A  son- in- law  should  never  cook  buffalo  meat  and  a 
daughter - in - law  should  never  steam-cook  sticky  rice 
 Buffalo meat is tough and sticky rice steam-cooked again is not soft 
 Sons-in-law and daughters-in-law shouldn’t do anything too difficult so that their parents-in-law may have reasons to find fault with them   

Làm ruộng thì ra, làm nhà thì tốn
(Land-tilling brings bennefits, house-building brings expenses)
House-building costs a lot of money    

Làm sui một nhà, làm gia cả họ
(Having relation in law with a family is having relation in law with its whole clan )
When one has relation in law with someone’s family one will be familiar to all the members of his clan  

Làm thân lươn chẳng nề lấm mắt
(An eel has to accept the mud stuck in its eyes )
A man of the lower position has to endure all the hardships and shames 

Làm thân lươn chẳng quản lấm đầu
(An eel is not afraid of  dirt  stuck on its head )
As:  Làm thân lươn chẳng nề lấm mắt

Làm thần đất ta, làm ma đất người
(He who is a god at home is a ghost abroad )
Those who are well-known in his homeland may be unknown in others’ 

Làm thày địa lí, mất mả táng cha
(He who works as a geomancer loses his father's tomb )
 A humbug will pay for his tricks 
 One will pay for his bad work 

Làm thầy nuôi  vợ, làm thợ nuôi miệng
(These who work as teachers can support their wives, those who work as workers can support themselves only )
Intellectuals lead a more comfortable life than manual workers 

Làm thầy thì dễ, thế ruộng thì khó
(It’s easy to work as a teacher but difficult to give land out for compensation)
One only likes to teach others but never likes to lose his things 

Làm thì ốm, đâm cốm thì siêng
(He who is ill when working is laborious when pounding green rice)
As:  ăn cỗ đi trước, lội nước đi sau

Làm tôi ngay, ăn mày thật
(An honest subject will be a real beggar )
Honest people often suffer losses 

Làm tốt, mốt đui
(He who works hard will soon get blind) 
Hard-working people may suffer losses 

Làm tớ thằng khôn hơn làm thầy đứa dại
(Better be a wise man’s servant than a fool’s master )
The stupid just cause trouble to others 

Làm trai nói phân hai dễ chối
(He who speaks ambigously denies his spoken words easily )
One is blamable to speak ambiguously  

Làm tùy chủ, ngủ tùy chồng
(His work depends on his boss’ need, her sleep depends on 
her husband's wish )
Servants and wives have no absolute freedom   

Lành ăn, dễ khiến
(He who is easily fed is easily led )
Mild-mannered people are easy to be bullied 

Lành cho đường, dữ thêm trượng
(Give good-mannered animals sugar and give bad-mannered animals whips) 
One’s behaviour should change according to the objects  

Lành làm gáo, vỡ làm muôi
(When intact, it’s a dipper and when broken it will be a ladle )
 One should be used according to his abilities 
 In his fight, one can accept any losses 

Lành làm thúng , thủng làm mê
(When intact it’s a basket and when bored it is a holder )
As:  Lành làm gáo, vỡ làm muôi

Lành quá hóa ngu 
(As: Hiền quá hóa ngu)

Lành thì đỡ, dở thì đè
(He who helps the mild presses the hard) 
One often helps submissive men but oppresses those who have not the same ideas with him 

Lành với bụt, chẳng lành với ma 
(As: Hiền với bụt, ai hiền với ma)

Lão giả an chi
(He who is old lives a calm life)
The old want a quiet and troubleless life  

Lão lai,  tài tận 
(When age comes, talent dies )
One can’t continue his career when getting old 

Lão mưu đa kế
(Experienced old m

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