Saturday 1 October 2016

Tobacco Culture by Mercy Sellate

Ramesh Mukhopadhyaya

[sefirah:4958] Tobacco culture

'mercy sellate' via sefirah Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 12:30 AM
To: ""
The Decaying  of  Vaihlo  Culture ( Tobacco  Culture) in Mizo Society

In  the words of E.B. Tylor, "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society." [1]   Cambridge English Dictionary states that culture is, "the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time."[2]    According  to  Oxford  Dictionary  culture  had been  translated  as  - 1. the  arts, customs and  institutions of a  nation, people or  group  2. the  arts  and intellectual achievements regarded as  a  whole.[3]  Culture  can  be summarised  in  the most  simplest   term as,    The   way  of  living  of  group  of  people”.  Culture  is  not  static,  it evolutes , keep  on changing with  the  pace of  time  as people  belief, knowledge, value system  and  with  change economy. 
Tobacco, biologically  named  as Nicotiana Tabacun Linn , a  family  of  Solanaceae [4] , is  a plant    with  broad soft leave said  to  be  the  native plant  of  America  is the  integral  part  of  culture in  America  and  latter  spread   through  out the  globe .   It  is  highly  addictive due  to  its relaxation and  stimulating  affects  on  the  users with  it  medicinal properties and  values  which  too has  deep  attachment and  root  in the  Mizo culture.  Tobacco plants  were grown in  their  jumming farms and  gardens  by  almost  every  one as the  Mizos are  very  much  independent  and  self reliance. The leaves are harvested  kept  for  some time  till  it  is  semi  dry , then battered, squeezed  or  beaten and  then  dried  and  stored  for their  own consumption. The  quality  and  the  taste   differ according  to  the area of growing,  processing  or  technique harvesting  and  drying.  As  per  my  knowledge    the  Bunghmun  tobacco  has  high  reputation  in the  Lunglei, Mizoram area for  it  great  taste.  It  is  sticky  and  moist when  touching.  I  remember  that  in  some people  even  mixed  the tobacco  with rum and sugar  to  enhance the  taste.
 It  was  in the  olden days the male  Youths  boarded in the bachelor dormitory called  Zawlbuk ,  the children  were sent  to fetch  tobaccos  and tobacco   container  at  their  homes  or  light  their smoking  pipes and  cigarettes by  the senior youths .Tobacco   is  so  precious that  it  became their  part, like  better  halves in their  life . Most  men  never  parted  with their  tobacco  container   so  their was a song  in Hmar  saying,
“ Dumbel lak  ding   theingil  hlak
              Thei ngil  le la ngei  ngei
  Thawlawm ding  thei  ngil  zing  zing,
  Thei ngil  le  la  ngai  lo”.
The  song  meant   that  when  a  smoking  pipe  is  forgotten  one return to  get  it   but  when one  forget  donation  it was  not  bordered to return  to  get  it  back. It shows the attachment of people’s lives with tobacco.  
 Tobacco  was  taken  in various   forms  such Chewing,  smoking using   pipe called  vaibel ,  cigarettes,  Tuibur (  it is  like  Hooka   in which  hard  burned clay   shaped like  a pot in  which  dry  tobacco  is  filled  and  lighted, this is  attached with  cylindrical  shaped  jar filed  with  water  a pipe for  inhaling   the smoke usually  taken  by  older  women. Water that absorbed  the nicotine  is  called  Tuibur and  it   is  very  precious because  of  various  medicinal  values. In  order  to  meet the  demand  of  Tuibur  tui/water  small machines were  installed  as part  of  cottage industry  and  manufactured for commercial purpose .  Men folks usually ,  smoke  on  pipe  make of  bamboo and   curve  hardwood and  also  in form  of cigarettes. When  friends  get  together  they would  be sharing  their  tobacco as token of  intimacy and  acquaintance.
The  Mizo  practiced  primary  occupation  in olden days in which  every  one is  into jumming, that  is  clearing   of jungle, burning  the  site and  cultivating  for  a year. The  popularity  of  tobacco among  them was  the  property  of  insect repellent  that  had  helped  them  to  work  with more  comfortably   in their  farms to keep away  mosquitoes and  other blood  sucking  insects  like  vaihmite and  at  same time  it  provides  relaxation while working. In  earlier  days older  children were thought to  smoke  by  their  parents so  that  working  in jungle and  farm would  more comfortable and easier by protect  themselves  against insect bites   and  for utilizing first-aid  kit. Some  people squeezed  the  juice from  tobacco leave  and  apply  in  their  body  to  prevent themselves from  mosquitoes bites, leaches and  other  insect .  The nicotine water  from Tuibur   is  effective  antiseptic and  antibiotic for  cuts ,  sores,  boils and  wounds,  There was saying  that tobacco  prevent  tooth  decay so  I am  tought to take  tuibur  and chew  tobacco  by  elderly  ladies in my  young  age since I  used to  have  toothache .  I  had  seen my  mother-in-law  applying  the  tobacco  therapy  to  cure her  skin  infection. The tobacco  ash  is  use as  stop bleeding  caused  by  leeches  in  jungle, it reduces  the  itches  cause  by  the  wound  from leeches.  Once  a  boy   in my  neighbourhood  was bitten  by  snake  and  I  remember  that  he  was made  to  smoke  to dilute  the  poison   in  his  body . In case of  an  insect  bites and  stinks tobacco leave are applied . I  had seen people smearing  the green  tobacco  leave or   if   not  available  at  least  the  ash  or  the  tuibur  water ( nicotine water)  to  make the  poison  less  effective in  body .  I  heard  from  one women    telling  me  that  even  swallowing some quantity  of  tuibur tui  (  Nicotine water )  had  saved lives from deadly  Tetanus in rural  area in northern parts of  Mizoram. . Once  in  the  mid 1999 during  the raining  season   badly slipped and  felt  down from  steps on my  way  to  friend’s  house. In order  to protect  me from slipping  down  the  steps  I hold  the barbwire  fencing but  my  weight pulls  me  down  and I  got  bad  cut in  my  palm and my  arms and badly  bled. I ran  to  my  friends shop   where they  were  cleaning  the  wound  and  then suddenly  I  was felling  dizzy and  sleepy . I told  them  that  I  am feeling  sleepy , hurriedly they   made  me  sit  and  told me  not  to  sleep, one of  the  guy lighted  up  cigarette and  said , “ smoke it”.  I  smoked  and  guys too lighted up  cigarette smoked  and  blew  the smoke  on me,  after   few second  all  my  sleepiness disappeared and  I  felt  fresh . They say smoking tobacco  prevents convulsion .  It  is  said  that  smoking  help  to  build  immunity that resisted    to  various diseases  in  the  body .  According  to  my  knowledge    most  of  the  malaria illness and  death  in  Lunglei  districts  were  not  an old  aged people  but  the  children and  youths who  are younger  generation.  Could  this  be the  reason for  less nicotine contend  in  the  bodies  of  younger ??
In  the  olden days  some  people  even  used  thin maize  leave  that  coved  the  corn  to roll  the  tobacco, latter news paper  called  ‘Statement’ was  in  used   because  of  its thinness was  what  my  mother  used  to  tell  me.   I  was born and  brought  up  along  the  Himalaya where  local  people  hardly  smoke  tobacco  so  I  have no  much  idea about how  to  roll tobacco  for  cigarettes.  When I  got newly married  and  lived in Manipur  my  husband  used  to  smoke  tobacco produced  by  the  local  people.  He  had  no  much  knowledge  about  my  skill  in rolling  tobacco  so  one Sunday he  asked  me  if  to roll  the tobacco  for  cigarette for  him  and  his  friend . I  did  my  best  by getting  a  white  sheet  of paper  which  I  used  for  writing  pad , cut into  small  pieces  and  roll  tobacco prevent  the  falling  out  of  the  tobacco . I tugged  the  paper in  both  the  ends      and  I  put  glue in   the  side so  that  the  paper would  not get  loose . Summing  all my  skill  and courage I kept  ten  cigarettes  in  each bundles  and  I  made  two  bundles  and  gave to  him .  In  the evening  when  he  returned  back home   he  was  very  disappointed  saying  that  he  shared  the  cigarette with  his friends  but  non  of  them  could  smoke   so  they  threw  away  all  the  cigarette and  how  he  felt  embarrassed .  Women folk  in olden days   rolled cigarettes  and  tied with  green  tread  as  symbol and mark  of  well  wished and  token  of intimacy  to  their  love ones.  In  the  year  1919  about  1000  Mizo  Youths  were enrolled  for  by  the  Germany government for  the  war –fare  of  the  First World War [5]during  these  time  the local  cigarettes tied  with  green thread’s popularity raised because  these youths  were  presented by  their  girlfriends and  love ones .  Even till today all the local cigarettes are tied with green cotton tread in Mizoram.
It  was in 1938 the  Yong  Lushai  Association  ( Now re-named  Young  Mizo  Association ),  the  largest  and  most popular Non-Govemental  organisation ,  advocated  and  campaigned  for taking  local  tobacco. During  those  days manufactured cigarette began  to  be  imported  from  outside and  raised  it’s popularity  and  danger  araised  to  get replace  the  local  tobacco. In order to popularise the local  cigarette  made  from  local tobacco the  YLA  launch popular Tobacco campaign by  stating  the  points such as  - (1) To  preserve  the  local  tobacco  variety that  has  been  in  use for long  time  and  is  no lesser  then  imported  cigarette, (2) Purchases  of  imported  cigarette is  expensive and  (3)  Local tobacco  is  healthier (  it  is  purely organic and grown  in local  farms) (4)  To  value  ones local  production  . In  pursuance to  these  campaign   Kulikawn Branch (Aizawl) YLA  Branch  and  Thakthing (Aizawl) YLA  Branch  (Units)  had  taken  the initiative  and  responsibilities.  Kulikawn YLA  organised social work in which local  tobacco was collected  and  rolled  cigarette   on 6.10.38 at  Rualkhuma(L)  residence in Kulikawn (  Aizawl)   in which  good  number  of youths   both  male and  female  and  even children  participated.  Cigarette  was in bundles, and   a bundle consisted  of ten Cigarettes .  YLA Volunteers organised  another  social  work cum sale/ fair on  8.10.1938 with  a banner  in which  Mickey  mouse  smoking local  made  cigarette  saying, “ Great  taste…  nothing  like  this  even in  America” ,   sold  the  Local  Cigarettes at  Bazar ( Dawrpui),  Aizawl  , and  earn total  of one  rupees  (  that  is  they  sold out about  100 bundles  in  a day at  the  rate  of  one paise )  .   The  Thakthing YLA  Branch  too  organised  the  Local  Tobacco  campaign  and  social  work   to  make  social work  under  the  Leadership  of  Pu  Hrangaia on 26.10.38.                                                                                                                                                                                                   The  popular  Tobacco Campaign song  was composed  by Vankhama  as  below – 
Mizo Vaihlo  hi  zuk  ching la
Tui ber mai  aw sangau ,  Zurpui leh  Khualzing
Sen a tlem ,  a  hrisel a , Zoram thil  a ni  bawk a
Tui berah chhuan  Lengi  zialtir ang che[6]
(  Translation  of the  song -  Smoke  Local  Tobacco,
The  best  quality-  the  greatest  taste/flavour – from  Sangau, Zurpui and Khalzing, Its  is  less  expensive  that meaning you  can  save  money in  your  pocket , healthier and  home production. For  the  best  asked  her to  roll -  cigarette  for  you .  
An American  notable Dana  Ullman, the  founder  of Homeopathic Educational Services in America had   stated that  many homeopathy  medicine  is  made  from ingredient  of  tobacco   under  the  name  TABACUM and used  in important medicines in homeopathy for various minor ailments, such as dizziness, motion sickness, diarrhoea, and dry cough, as well as numerous serious conditions, such as angina, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory ailments, and Meniere's disease[7]
According to Katarina, “In olden  days  in America  tobacco  was  chewed, sniffed, smoked, eaten, juiced, smeared over bodies, and used in eye drops and enemas. Its use varied depending on the culture and location - it ranged from medicinal as a remedy for many ailments, to purely recreational consumed by both men and women, and also mystical - a connection to the spiritual world: it´s purifying smoke was blown over fields before planting, over women prior to sex, blown into warriors' faces before battle, it was offered to gods as well as accepted as their gift. In other words, tobacco smoke was believed to carry blessings, protection and most of all purification”

Even today it is widely used by shamans in the Amazon, where shamans who specialize in ceremonies with tobacco are called tabaqueros. They master the spirit of tobacco and heal illnesses with his/her blow of tobacco. There tobacco is considered a Planta Maestra, i.e. Teacher Plant. These plants are considered key protective spirits, allies and guides to the world of health and healing

In pre-Columbian North America, different tribes and civilizations had used tobacco, with one thing in common - they all preferred pipes for smoking. The pipes were utilized for distinct social and ritual purposes, which resulted in their sacred status, same as tobacco itself had. Various tribes used tobacco for various purposes including healing ailments such as earaches, snake bites, cuts and burns, respiratory diseases, fever, convulsions, nervous ailments, urinary ailments, and skin diseases. Other examples of its use was sealing the peace with other tribes, preventing lightning and storms, communicating with spirits and, making an offering to them.
It appears to reduce the risk of ulcerative colitis, sarcoidosis, endometrial cancer, uterine fibroids and breast cancer among women carrying the very high risk BRCA gene. Using organic tobacco with no additives may be a way to utilize these benefits, without many of the risks posed by conventional tobacco .”
Tess Pennington   in his  article, “  It Ain’t Just For Smoking: Known But Beneficial Uses For Tobacco” in  Ready Nutrition has  said  written  that  tobacco  works  well  as  organic  insecticides and  pesticides  for  gardens  and  farms  by making a mixture  of  to  control  aphids  as under-
  • 1 c. compost
  • 1 c. tobacco (organic preferably)
  • 1 cup. powdered garlic                           
Tess  Penington further  recommended   that  Tobacco  can  be effective solution  for  controlling  Peach Tree Borers,  leave roller larves  and  caterpillars, Garden Centipede, Gophers and Moles, Spiders etc [8].
Smoking tobacco has  drained  economy  as well  as time .  It  has  been  observed  that  a  smoker  lost  his  working time  for  smoking  , the  aggregated  hours lost  in his  life  time could  be  randomly  calculated  as time  is  the  most Valuable  possession of  man. The  minimum cost   of  cigarette  packet  is not  less  25 Rupees  (Charminar /  Kingstone )  - Navycut  amounting  Rs  80 . and  if  a  man  smoke  one  packet every  day  assuming  by  taking  average  as Rs  50 per day  he  would  be  spending  Rs 50  x  353 days = Rs 18,250.00   which  is  good  amount .   Health  is  wealth, if  health lost due  to  tobacco the  amount  of  economy lost  that  it  cause   due  to  lost of  productivity  and  cost  of  medical  treatment .
With  the  advancement  of  science and  technology , the knowledge   adverse effect  and  of  Tobacco  on  health had  be come into  highlight and  brought  into  public awareness. According  to the  intellectuals  and  scientist  Tobacco cause  various  diseases including- Cancer, Lung Diseases, Heart  related  diseases etc.   By the dawn of the 21st century, in stark contrast, tobacco had become recognized as being highly addictive and one of the world’s most-devastating causes of death and disease.  For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that in the late 1990s there were approximately four million tobacco-caused deaths per year worldwide. This estimate was increased to approximately five million in 2003 and six million in 2011 and was expected to reach eight million per year by 2030 [9] Another  concern is  the expenditure incurred  on  tobacco instead of utilizing for  some resourceful or benefits things . For a chain smoker    the expenditure on cigrates may   comes about  36,500  to 40,000  Rupees a year ( ie Rs. 80 - 100.00  per day x 365 days )  and in 10 years he would  be spending  about 4 lakhs  which is  not  a small  amount  to help  someone in need.
 The  Vaihlo  culture  that  had  taken deep root  in the  Mizo  society  began  to  disintegrate and  decay slowly in Mizo society.  There  was  time in  the  Mizo  society when  people smoke in Offices, public places like  bus and gathering and  the second hand  smoke  has  been  inhale  by  almost  every one in  the  society . The alarming rate  of  cancer  in Mizoram made  many elites  and law  maker  aware  of  Tobacco  which  is  consider  to  be the  main  root  cause  of  the  diseases. Tobacco  cessation awareness  programmes  were organised and  awareness programmes were  made  in  papers, meetings and  even  through  printed  and  electronic medias . Government has enacted  laws in this  new millennium  to prohibited  smoking  in public places , hospitals and even Government  Offices. Anti Tobacco  Squads has been form  whose duty   is  to  caught the  smokers  in public places , impose fine and  names of  defaulter  or law breaker  were  published in news papers. Children  below  the  age of  18  are prohibited   to  buy  Tobacco  by  law, so  notification poster s  are  found  in shops.  In most of  the  education  smoking is  strictly  prohibited  so  tobacco  has  lost  it’s place  in  the  society  slowly  and steadily.  The tradition   of  smoking  tobacco  is  slowly left  behind  with  the  advancement  of  time.  But if Tobacco  is the main factor for deaths than would  there be  a modern Mizo  generation  today  as tobacco  was  the  part of the  culture of the older Mizo  society.  ???
Mercy  Sellate,
Dated 30. 8. 2015.

[2].Cambridge  Dictionary
[3] Oxford Dictionary
[4] Ramhmul  Damdawi by  R.Rozika IFS page 103
[5] Interview  with  C.Zairemthanga,  Bazarveng,  Lunglei , Mizoram on  30.8.2015
[6] YMA  Chanchin -  C.Ropuia  page 6

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