Friday 20 March 2015

Poetry of Thailand Emotions a poem composed by Pompen Hantakool explicated from the English translation by Dr Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya

  Emotion a poem by Pornpen Hantrakool
Explicated by Ramesh Mukhopadhyaya

Holding fast to emotion
Sinking into a whirlpool
Circling tirelessly in love wrath greed ang misperceiving
Ending by losing ones self

Emotion could be defined as a strong feeling in response to circumstances favourable or unfavourable or neutral. Whether a situation is favourable or unfavourable depends on how an individual looks upon it.. The same situation might anger one  and evoke laughter in another. But the emotions like anger sadness  happiness or fear are universal.In real life we often hold fast to certain emotions.One might hate another person or he might hate certain things. And surely there are certain philosophies that teach to hold fast to hate.. Any literature whatever however dwells on these myriads of emotions. Perhaps there are a few basic emotions. But there could be numerous permutations and combinations of them. In other words there could be many a mixed emotions as well. And in most cases art and literature are rich tapestries woven with such emotions. Emotions come and go in a person. And one would not be that wrong to describe man as  a person who is  tossed by emotions almost ceaselessly in his sojourn along the lifes course. Here in this poem the poet is not concerned with any emotion in particular, She dwells on emotions in general.She dwells on the   mental situation in general when some one holds fast to any emotion  whatever. Hantrakool points out that holding fast to any emotion  we sink into a whirlpool. How come that we sink into a whirlpool? Take for example the emotion anger. If anger rages in you you will remain angry That is all. You will be plunged in anger only. But no.Holding fast to any emotion whatever one starts revolving like a top  -the child’s plaything, despite his wishes otherwise. This is because one emotion is in- alienably mingled with another emotion Suppose some one is angry. His anger tells upon his behavior. Because emotions have their effect on the body as well as ones behavior. If one’s body language reveals that one is angry one’s environment will respond to that. The environment will be inimical to him. And no one can wield arms against a sea of troubles. So anger will turn into mental depression and sadness.Sad when he descries people contented and cheerful .And he may be jealous  of them.Thus there is always a chain reaction in the being when any one is overwhelmed by any emotion. Ordinarily we donot rule our emotions. We are ruled by our emotions and we are carried round and round as it were by a whirlpool. Hantrakool observes that once being prey to an emotion we circle round tirelessly in love  wrath greed and misperceiving. The word  misperceiving is very important here. It is through misperception that we are overpowered by any emotion whatever. We do not take the reality as it is.Unless we have right view right mindfulness right concentration – in short the right frame of mind, we misunderstand ourselves as well as the world. Unless we see the world as it is and the world as a whole, things in the contingent become all in all and ignite emotions in us, And when  any emotion overpowers us  it tells upon our right vision . For example if one gets angry one is at one’s wits’ end. And no wonder thereby one is responsible for ones disaster.  What could be ones disaster like? Well in the language of Hantrakool—it is loosing to ones self. The poet pins her faith on self. Self is not constituted with emotions, The poet feels that there is a self  that is not attached to any kind of manifestation of the body or mind.When the poet uses the expression--- losing to one’s self she looks upon self as a detached observer of the body and the mind. If one is identified with the whims of ones emotions one is away from ones own self and one loses ones esteem in the eyes ones own self.

Here is a poem that dwells on the most indeterminate aspects of our beings. We cannot define what emotions are and whether they are discrete or continuous Despite that when we read the poem we  can see our lives from a different perspective. We find ourselves whirling along a whirlpool of emotions till we find ourselves lost to our selves. And we feel dizzy. Philosophy here has been communicated in terms of sensations. What the self is we know not . Despite that when the poet talks of emotions carrying us along a dizzy go round we know that we are being carried away and  when we observe that we are dimly aware of something called self. Why should we be carried away by every wind that comes? Why should we be a sport to every random gust. The poem compels us to look inward and analyse our states under the impact of emotions.Thereby we  bcomee wiser than ever.

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