Wednesday 24 April 2019

Mahabharata – 209
Sankar Mukherjee
Dr Ramesh Chandra Mukhopadhyaya
                     Aadivamsavatarana Parva

Childhood of Kauravas and Pandavas

The wonderful palace for water sport was built and one day   Kauravas and the Pandavas assembled there.They  sat down and began to relish the foods provided for them. They became active in play and began to exchange mouthful of food with one another. Meanwhile the wicked Duryodhana had mixed the powerful  kalkuta poison with a quantity of food, with the object to serve the same to Bhima. That wicked youth who had nectar in his tongue and a razor in his heart, rose at length as if in a playful mood, and in a friendly way he fed Bhima largely with that poisoned food. Duryuodhana now felt himself  lucky.He was exceedingly glad at heart. Then the sons of Dhritarashtra and Pandu together became cheerfully engaged in sporting in the water. Their sport ended when they felt very tired. They dressed themselves in clean clothes, and decked themselves with various ornaments. Fatigued with play, they were willing to rest in the evening in that pleasure house.
Due to over exercise in the waters, the powerful Bhima was excessively fatigued. On rising from the water, he lay down in the pleasure house. He was exhausted and under the influence of the poison. Bhima was in deep sleep in  the cool breeze of the river.
 He lost his senses at once. Seeing this Duryodhana bound him with chords of shrubs, and threw him into the waters. The unconscious Bhima sank down till he reached the Naga kingdom. Nagas, having sharp teeth with their hoods over flowing with virulent venom, bit him by thousands. The poison taken earlier by Bhima unknowingly, mingled in the blood  of  Bhima, was neutralised by the snake-poison. This reminds us the homeopathy therapeutic system that preaches similia similibus curantum.The serpents had bitten all over the body, except Bhima’s chest. The skin of the chest was so tough that their teeth could not penetrate it.
On regaining consciousness, the son of Kunti shattered the ties of his hands and body and began to press the snakes down under the ground. A few fled for life, and going to their king Vasuki said --- Oh king! A man drowned under the waters, bound with ropes made of  chords of shrubs, probably  had drunk
poison. For when he  fell amongst us, he was unconscious. But when we began to bite him, he regained his senses, and tearing the ropes that bound him, commenced hitting us. May you  please enquire who he is. Then Vasuki, in compliance with the request of the nagas, went to the place and saw the great Bhimasena. Then the most gentle Vasuki recognised Bhimasena.Bhima was the  grand son of  Kuntibhoja.Kuntibhoja in turn was the grand son of Vasuki.Vasuki was very much pleased at the site of Bhima and embraced him. Then, Vasuki, learning all that happened to Bhima  was pleased with Bhima, and said to  the serpents with satisfaction, ------ How are we to please him? Let him have wealth  and gems as much as he desires.
On hearing the words of Vasuki, the serpent  said to Vasuki ---when You are  pleased with him, no need of wealth for him. Permit him to drink of rasakunda  (nectar-vessels) and let him aquire immeasurable strength . There is the strength of a thousand elephants in each one of those vessels. Let this boy drink as much as he can.
The king of serpents who likened Indra the king of gods gave his consent. And the serpents then took Bhima to the rasakunda. There upon began auspicious rites.
 Then purifying himself, Bhimasena facing the east began to drink nectar. At one breath, he drank  the content of a whole vessel, and in this manner he drank from eight successive vessels,till he was full. At length, the serpents prepared an excellent bed for him, on which he lay down at ease.
Be that as  it may, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, after having sported in the waters, set out for Hastinapura without Bhima. Some were on horses, some on elephants, while others in chariots and other conveyances. And on their way they said to one another --- Perhaps, Bhima has gone before us. And the wicked Duryodhana was glad at heart without seeing Bhima.He entered the city with his brothers in joy.
The virtuous Yudhishthira, was unaware of the foul play of  Duryodhana.He always  regarded others to be as honest as himself.On reaching the palace affectionate Yudhishthira went to his mother and after paying due respect to her  said -------- Oh mother!, has Bhima come? Oh mother!, I don't find him here. Where may he go ? We have searched him everywhere in the gardens and the woods. But we did not find him. At last,we thought that Bhima preceded before us all. Oh mother!We have come here in great anxiety.Arriving here, where has he gone? Or have you sent him anywhere? Oh mother! tell me, I am full of doubts as to the fortunes of  the mighty Bhima. He was asleep and has not come. I conclude he is no more.

 Hearing these words of Yudhishthira, Kunti began to cry out  in anxiety,and said ---------- Dear son, I have not seen Bhima. He did not come to me. Go and look for Bhima immediately with your brothers. Saying this to Yudhishthira she summoned Vidura, and said --------Oh illustrious Vidura Bhimasena is missing! Where has he gone? The other brothers have all come back from the gardens.Only Bhima does not come home.You immediately along with the Pandavas look for Bhima in the gardens.
They shouted loudly crying  Bhima! Bhima! Where are you? But they were unable to find out Bhima.Therefore they returned to the palace and said to Kunti ------- Oh mother! we are unable to find out mighty Bhima.Kunti said -------- Duryodhana does not like him at all. The Kaurava is crooked and ill natured and low-minded and reckless. I am afraid that Duryodhana may have slain him out of anger.I am worried. Indeed, it burns my heart.
Vidura replied  ------ Blessed lady! Do not say so protect your other sons with care. If the wicked Duryodhana is accused, he may do harm later to your remaining sons. The great sage Vyasa has said that all your sons will have  long life. Therefore, Bhima will surely return and cheer your heart.Then wise Vidura, having said this to Kunti, returned to his house, while Kunti, in great anxiety, continued to stay at palace with her children.

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